Saturday, May 14, 2011

Post-op update

It has been over 6 weeks since surgery. I met with my local physician this past week and had a check-up. Blood work was also taken and the results are in!!!!!! Everything is in the normal range. Even my Cholesterol (pre-op of about 230) is down to a comfortable 170. Whoowee!

I stopped taking my blood pressure meds kinda-sorta before I left Costa Rica and since then my BP is within normal readings. Double Whoowee!!!!!

I try to get in swimming at the YMCA in Auburn 2-3 times a week and have mowed our lawn twice and have taken a few bike rides (in between rain and cold spells). My energy level is getting better.

And last, but not least, I have dropped almost 40 lbs since surgery. Triple Whoowee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Chaio, Costa Rica

All right - all right! I was scolded for not having this blog updated before I leave Costa Rica. So - this has been an incredible adventure. My MGB surgery was successful - I'm able to handle different (liquified or mashed) foods well. It is a strange experience to have an appetite and have it basically satisfied with about 3-4 oz of food.

I am heading back to the states today - leaving the ranch at about 9:30am and arrive home in Enumclaw later tonight. I want to thank all who have given me and Molly support while while I was down here. We were well taken care of.

If you have any questions about my procedure and/or Costa Rica and what it has to offer (besides snow), please let me know.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ever seen an angel?

Here is photo of my angel, who takes so great care of me - and all the other guests at CheTica Ranch. Her name is Francis. She is from Nicaragua and has a 10 year old son still up there. If there is a need, she takes care of it. She can speak English very well and is loved by all.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Surgery results update

Well, I just returned from my 1 week check up with my doctor and to have (a little grossness) my drain tube removed that was carrying around hanging from a hole in the side of my abdomen. Ther was about 18 inches of the flexible plastic tube inside me. Funny story - as Dr. Quesada was about to begin the extraction, I asked him about how much tubing was inside me. He responded "Do you really want to know?" I replied "Well, since you put it that way, NO!" It all went well. everything looked good and normal from his perspective and I LOST ABOUT 15 LBS in less than 1 week. Way to go Bill!! :-)